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As an Integrative Health Coach, Certified Nutrition Advisor and passionate mom of 4 children, my life has been full of both the beautiful and hard experiences that have touched and changed my life for the better. The real life hands on knowledge that I have gained will forever be a precious gift as it taught me to know the steps to take on our arduous journey towards health and healing.

My passion began with helping two of my four children through a difficult health crisis that brought me to better understanding of the connection and importance of the role of the gut, food sensitivities, imbalances and overall inflammation in the scheme of the overall health challenges that many were facing and did not know where to begin. This journey changed me as I witnessed first hand what was possible, if the body was given the chance to be in a healthier environment with the right nutritional support, less environmental exposures and effectively being able to manage the added stressors that further push and the impact our health and lives today.

Out of my strong unwavering conviction, I applied all that I had learned along with added support and nutrition that eventually led to their recovery.

I knew then, that this passion of mine had now turned into a mission of helping others on their journey with the knowledge. The importance of first building a strong nutritional foundation from the Inside-Out to further support the body’s ability to repair and rebuild, while creating a healthy balance that felt in harmony!

I keep up to date on the latest from the amazing doctors and scientists that I have been honored to partner with and come to know through the years.

I became a Bon Secours Wellness sponsor about 8 years ago contributing recipes, articles and offerings to many that are looking for alternatives to health and a healthy lifestyle.

Over the years my passion has met the passions of other wellness coaches and medical health professionals that have banded together to form a community I co-founded called “The Live Free Team”. We currently offer Health & Nutrition Consultations, monthly workshops, Facebook support groups, grocery tours and are committed to helping serve and help others create their healthiest lifestyles ever.

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Teresa Meadows Health Coach

My health partner/USANA Health Sciences has allowed me the opportunity to personally help individuals on the journey to great health. I have continually chosen USANA as my Product Partner, not only to meet the critical nutritional needs for myself, but also for my family, and those that I have the unbelievable privilege to help on their journey to Optimal Health

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